For Churches
Arts & Entertainment Sunday April 11th 2021:
Arts & Entertainment Sunday Prayer Video
Please join us to remember our industry on Sunday April 11th. Download your video below:
Download Arts & Entertainment Sunday Prayer Video – Short version (70MB)
Download Arts & Entertainment Sunday Prayer Video – Long version (505MB)
Download the Resources pack 2021
We are grateful for the support of individuals, trusts, and churches who have encouraged our backstage work. After 30 years we have become a highly respected and dependable charity offering various support within the often closed world of the entertainment profession. If you would like to give a donation to our work please click here.
We need your prayers more than ever as those working in the entertainment profession face new and challenging times. We seek to encourage a Christian presence within the profession and offer support to those who have little or no faith. Here is a monthly diary of how you and your church can remember us in prayer.
June The needs of those leaving colleges, universities and academies this summer who seek careers in Entertainment. Also those soon to embark on such courses of study. Pray that new comers learn how to develop and use their talents.
July Summer seasons, for those on cruise ships, in resort venues and holiday camps. Pray for the families left behind and those coping with the children alone. Pray for protection and of their relationships.
August Rest and refreshment which are so valuable for well-being. Give thanks for holidays and days off and pray for those who for, whatever reason, are unable to have a holiday. For those in the business who are struggling financially.
September Requests that have come from Christian writers or producers from abroad. For those who want to honour God in their work wherever they live that they may get funding and recognition for their work.
October Giving thanks for modern communication and pray for the creators of games and programmes often using performers. Pray for responsible productions that do not glorify violence or immorality.
November Television and radio timings. Pray that Christian programmes will not be side-lined but screened at accessible times. Remember the Christian radio and television channels and those who work for them.
December As carols are broadcast in shops and on the air please pray that the good news of Jesus birth will be heard and understood. Pray for wholesome entertainment this season. Give thanks for the fun and laughter of Pantomime, and pray for those producing and taking part. Pray for all who work behind the scenes in the business.
January All in the Arts and Entertainment business who face the year with uncertainty about their next job. Pray that they may have wisdom on the way forward and that they will see doors open. That they may remain encouraged.
February Writers, composers and producers, for positive messages in scripts and the opportunity for the work of Christians to be seen and heard. Remember the needs of singers and dancers and thank God for their talents.
Need a Guest?
CIE is primarily concerned with the spiritual welfare of performers and therefore does not act as an agency. However there are some performers who enjoy sharing their performance gifts in a church context and may be available for a special event. Please choose any of our suggestions as below.